The Nature of Culture

The Nature of Culture
The nature of the nature of culture is the specific characteristics of a culture that each society is different from.

The characteristics of the nature of culture include the following;
Culture is realized and can also be channeled with human behavior.
Culture has existed before the birth of a certain generation and also will not be able to die with the end of the age of the generation concerned.
Culture is needed by humans and behavior can also be realized.
This culture includes rules that contain obligations, actions that are accepted as well as those that are rejected,
All of these cultures are always moving due to "dynamic" because basically the motion of culture is the movement in humans themselves. Human movements or dynamics among humans, or also from one cultural area to another. The dynamics that bring culture from one community to another that causes acculturation.

demographic changes in an area usually tend to continue to grow, will result in changes in various sectors of life, for example: the economic sector, the increase in population of food supplies, clothing and shelter.

social conflicts can affect changes in a community, for example: conflicts of interest between migrants and local residents in transmigration areas, to overcome them, the government includes local people in development programs with transmigrants.

natural disasters that befall the community can affect changes for example: floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions will be evacuated and moved to a new place, there they must adapt to local environmental and cultural conditions so that the assimilation and alkuturation process occurs.

there are several factors such as silting of river mouths that form deltas, forest destruction due to erosion, such changes can change culture because this culture has the power to adapt to the local environment.

World is located on the trade route of East Asia with India, the Middle East and even Western Europe, which is why World as a stopover for large traders, besides trading they also introduce their culture to the local community so that cultural change occurs.

the entry of elements of Hinduism from India or Arabic culture along with the process of spreading Hinduism and Islam to World as well as the entry of Western cultural elements through the process of spreading Christianity and Colonialism.

the arrival of western nations to World generally caused strong resistance in the form of warfare, in the atmosphere also included elements of foreign national culture in World.
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Basically the elements of foreign culture that can be easily accepted include the following:
In the material element of culture, it is like tools that are primarily and easily used and can also be felt to be very beneficial to the people who receive them.
writing a lot of it is used by Worldn people taken from elements of western culture.
Elements that are proven to bring a great benefit such as transistor radios etc.
The element that is also easily adapted to the circumstances of the people receiving it
elements, such as low-cost rice grinding machines and simple technical knowledge, which is used to equip mills.
Also Read Articles That May Be Associated: Understanding Culture According to Experts and Their Definitions and Elements