Cultural Appearance

Cultural Appearance
Parsudi Suparlan defines culture as a social creature that is used to understand and interpret the environment and experience and becomes the basis for the realization of human behavior (behavior). Culture in this case as merkanisme control for behavior and action as a pattern of human behavior.
Prof.dr. Koentjaraninggrat noted seven differences between humans and animals when viewed from their behavior, namely:
a large portion of human behavior is controlled by reason;
human life on this earth is only possible with a vast system of equipment which is the result of reason;
Most human behavior must be familiarized with learning;
Humans have to keep all the behavior in vocal symbols and write;
Knowledge is accumulative;
The system of division of labor in human society is far more complex than groups of animals;
Society shows a large variety of colors;
Bronislaw Malinowski falsifies that there are 4 (four) main cultural elements, including the following: A norm system that allows for cooperation between members of the community to adapt to the natural surroundings. Economic organization. As a tool and also an institution for education (family is the most important educational institution). Strength Organizations (politics)
Kliucckhohn said there were 7 (seven) elements in culture, that is
-system as a living livelihood
-system as equipment and also technology
-system as a social organization
-system as knowledge
religious system (religious ceremony).
Herskovits views culture as something that is passed down from one generation to the next generation, which is also called superorganic.
Andreas Eppink The culture contains a form of the whole understanding in social values, social norms, science and also in the whole of a social structure, religious, and others.
intellectual and also artistic is what characterizes a society.
Edward Burnett Tylor Culture is all of a complex in which it contains knowledge, beliefs, art, customs, and also contained other abilities acquired by someone who is a member of the community.

Cultural Appearance
When we examine the notion of culture as stated earlier it is clear that culture does not have a tangible or concrete form like something that can be seen and touched. According to the analysis, culture exists only in the human mind of the supporters of the culture concerned, its form is only an idea, a view of life, a rule or norms adopted by members of the community, which if carried out consistently and regularly will give birth to behavior that is deemed appropriate and acceptable.
In more detail Koentjaraningrat divides cultural forms into three forms, (Taufiq Rahman Dhohiri, et al, 2003: 161) namely:
culture as a complex idea or ideas that are abstract, because it only exists in the human mind.
culture as a complex of human behavior or actions.
Culture as a complex result of human actions, which are generally tangible objects, so it is called material culture.
From all the definitions of anthropology experts / scholars above, we can know that culture (culture) originates from the natural human mind, behavior or actions, objects created by humans (Siti Walidah, et al, 2001:). And culture is used as a guide or background for human actions to fight for its survival. But not all cultures are categorized as behaviors and objects such as examples of reflexes when we feel itchy and we will directly scratch them because this kind of behavior is just spontaneous motion without thought processes.