Research by Data Type and Analysis

Research by Data Type and Analysis
Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is research that uses quantitative data (data in the form of numbers or data that is collated). The quantitative method is called the traditional method, because this method has been inherited as a method for research. This method is called positivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of positivism.
This method is a scientific method because it has fulfilled scientific principles which are concrete, objective, measurable, rational, and systematic. This method is also called the discovery method, because with this method can be found and developed a variety of new science and technology. This method is called quantitative because the research data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics.
So, the quantitative method is a method used to examine a particular population or sample, sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly, data collection using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative / statistical in order to test the hypothesis that has been applied.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is research that uses qualitative data (data in the form of data, sentences, schematics, and images). The qualitative research method is called the new method because of its recent popularity, it is called the postpositivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of postpositivism.
This method is also referred to as an artistic method, because the research process is more art (less patterned) and is called an interpretive method because the research results are more concerned with the interpretation of data found in the field.
So the qualitative research method can be interpreted as a research method used to examine natural object conditions, (as opposed to being an experiment) where the researcher is a key instrument, data source sampling is done by triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive / qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize more meaning than generalization.

Judging from its purpose
Judging from the purpose of the study grouped into several sections, including:
Explorative research is research that aims to find new knowledge;
Development research is research that aims to develop existing knowledge;
Verificative research is research that aims to test the truth of existing knowledge;
Historical research is research that describes the sciences that already exist, the process includes investigation, recording, analysis and interpretation of existing events with the aim of finding generalizations;
Descriptive research is research that aims to describe things that are happening now;
Experimental research is research that aims to describe what happens if certain variables are controlled certain.

Various Research Data
The types of data that are usually used for research that can be explained as follows:
Qualitative data is data that is expressed in the form of words, sketch sentences and drawings which usually show a certain quality.
Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers or data that is leveraged, usually in the form of statistics.
Discrete data (nominal data) is data that can only be classified separately, discrete or in categories.
Continuum data is data that varies by level and is obtained from measurement results.
Ordinal is data in the form of ranking or ranking.
Intervals are data that are the same distance but do not have absolute 0 (zero) values.
Ratio is data that is the same distance.
Variable is an attribute of a person or object that has variations between one person and another or one object with another object, or certain activities that have certain variations that are determined by researchers to be studied and concluded. The types of variables can be divided into independent variables / independent variables, dependent variables / dependent variables, moderator variables, intervening variables, and control variables.

Types and Examples of Research Methodologies
The etymology methodology is interpreted as a science that discusses research methods. Research methodology is a strategy or basic principle used in a study to make it easier to get data. The types and examples of research methodology are as follows:

Survey Research
Survey research methodology is a type of method that uses a questionnaire or questionnaire as a research instrument to obtain primary data. Thus the design of the questionnaire that has been designed will be shown to individuals who are respondents or as subjects filling in the questionnaire. This survey research belongs to the type of quantitative research.
Respondents involved in survey research are as part of a research sample that represents the population. The difference between the sample and the population is that, the population is the whole population while the sample is those who represent it in the study.
In determining the sample must use appropriate techniques so that the samples obtained are representative. Therefore, to obtain the sample a relevant sampling technique was applied to obtain a representative sample.
Survey research can be exemplified as follows, for example research on "What obstacles are faced by high school teachers in Bandar Lampung in applying curriculum-based learning 2013". Thus the questionnaire designed contains several questions that will be asked to the teacher as a research sample.

Experimental Research
Experimental research is a type of quantitative research. Researchers carry out experiments with clear hypotheses and goals. For example, want to see how influential the learning method uses the experimental method with lectures on student learning outcomes.
In general, this experimental study divides the object of research into two groups to get data in accordance with the objectives. One group was used as an experimental target, while the other group was used as a control.
In experimental studies the control group acts as a comparison against the target group. From the results of a comparison between the two groups that will produce experimental research data. Examples of studies that can apply experimental methodologies, for example "The effect of green open space on the reduction in the level of aggressiveness of the citizens of Jakarta".

Longitudinal Research
Longitudinal research is a research method designed to measure a change or development of a phenomenon in a long period of time. In general, longitudinal studies usually apply surveys to obtain data from research samples.
Reviewing because this research requires quite a long time, the research sample must be visited again at least once to conduct a survey. Longitudinal research consists of two types, namely panel studies and cohort studies.

Grounded Research
Grounded research is a type of qualitative research. This study focuses on finding new theories derived from "grounded" on existing data in the field.
Therefore, researchers who use this type of grounded research do not use concepts or theories that have been discovered by other scientists to reference research support sources. Examples of grounded research, for example, researchers study the actions and interactions of social life that occur as a reference for research.

Understanding of Research Methods

Understanding of Research Methods
Understanding Research Methods
The research method is a scientific way to obtain valid data with the aim to be found, developed, or proven, a certain knowledge so that in turn it can be used to understand, solve, and anticipate problems in a particular field. The types of research methods can be grouped according to their fields, objectives, methods, level of explanation, and time. According to the field, research can be divided into academic, professional and institutional research. In terms of objectives, research can be divided into pure and applied research.
In terms of research methods, it can be divided into survey research, expofacto research, experimentation, naturalism, policy research, evaluation research, action research, history, and research and development. From the level of expalanation it can be divided into descriptive, comparative and associative research. In terms of time, it can be divided into cross sectional and longitudinal studies. Below will be described types of research methods according to the purpose, method, and level of explanation.

Types of Research Methods
Research by Purpose:
Pure Research
Pure research is research conducted or directed simply to understand organizational problems in depth and the results of these studies for the development of administrative or management science. Jujun S. Suriasumantri (1985) stated that research aimed at discovering new knowledge that had never before been known.

Applied Research
Applied Research is research directed to obtain information that can be used to solve problems. Gay (1977) states that it is difficult to distinguish between pure (basic) and applied research separately, because the two lie on a continuum line. Basic research aims to develop theories and not pay attention to practical uses which are practical.
Basic research is generally carried out in laboratories whose conditions are tight and controlled. Applied research is carried out with the aim of applying, testing, and evaluating the ability of a theory to be applied in solving practical problems. So basic research is pleased with the discovery and development of science. After the knowledge is used to solve problems, the research will become applied research.

Research by Method:
Survey Research
Survey research is research conducted on large and small populations, but the data studied is data from samples taken from these populations, so that relative events, distribution, and relationships between variables are found.
Example: research to reveal the tendency of people to choose national and regional leaders, the quality of Indonesian human resources.

Ex Post Facto Research
Ex post facto research is a study conducted to examine the events that have occurred and then trace back to find out the factors that can cause these events.
Example: research to expose the causes of building fires in a government institution, research to reveal the causes of riots in an area.

Experimental Research
Experimental Research is a study that seeks to find the effect of certain variables on other variables under tightly controlled conditions.
Example: research on the application of new work methods to work productivity, research on the effect of three-passenger cars on traffic jams on the road.

Naturalistic Research
Naturalistic research is often also called a qualitative method which is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects.
Example: research to deny the meaning of ritual ceremonies from certain groups of people, research to find factors that cause corruption.

Policy Research
Policy research is a research process that is carried out on, or analysis of, fundamental social problems, so that its findings can be recommended to decision makers to act in solving problems.
Example: research to make laws or regulations, research for the development of organizational structures.

Action Research
Action research is research that aims to develop the most efficient work methods, so that production costs can be reduced and the productivity of institutions can increase.
Example: research to improve work procedures and methods in community service, research looking for good teaching methods.

Evaluation Research
Evaluation research is research that serves to explain the phenomenon of an event, activity and product.
Example: research the process of implementing a regulation or policy, research on family planning.

Historical Research
Historical research is research that deals with a logical analysis of events that took place in the past.
Example: research to find out when the establishment of a particular city that can be used to determine birthdays, research to find out the development of civilization of certain groups of people.

Associative Research
Associative research is research that aims to determine the relationship of two or more variables.

Research by Exploration Level:
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of an independent variable, either one or more variables (independent) without making comparisons, or connecting between variables with one another.
Example: research that attempts to answer how the profile of the Indonesian president, how the work ethic and work performance of employees in a department.

Comparative Research
Comparative research is a study that compares things.
Example: is there a difference in the profile of the Indonesian president from time to time, is there a difference in work skills between SMK graduates and high school graduates.

The Concept of Civil Society

The Concept of Civil Society
Civil society is a concept that faces the face. Has many meanings or often interpreted with different meanings - different. When referring to the definition in English, it comes from civil society, a contradiction from military society.
The term civil society aside from referring to the concept of civil society, is also based on the concept of the Medina city-state which was built by the Prophet Muhammad in 622 AD with civil society also referring to the concept of civilization (civilized) introduced by Ibn Khaldun, and the concept of Al Madinah al Fadhilah ( Medina as the Main Country) was revealed by the philosopher Al-Farabi in the Middle Ages.

Elements of Civil Society
Civil society does not arise by itself. He really needs a social element that is a realization of civil society prerequisites. Some basic elements possessed by civil society are:

Large Public Areas
Free Public Sphere is a free public space as a means of public expression. In the area of public space is that all citizens have the same position and the right to social and political transactions without fear and are threatened by civil society forces outside.

Democracy is an absolute prerequisite for the existence of a purer (genuine) civil society. Without democratic civil society it might not be realized. Democracy will not run stable when it does not get real support from the community. In general, democracy is a political and social system that is sourced and created by, from, and for citizens.

Tolerance is mutual respect and differences of opinion.

Plurality or pluralism is another prerequisite for civil society. Pluralism is not only understood as an attitude must acknowledge and accept the fact that various social, but must be accompanied by a sincere attitude to accept differences as a natural and positive grace from God for people's lives.

Social justice
Social justice is a balanced and proportional distribution of the rights and obligations of every citizen which covers all aspects of life: economic, political, knowledge and opportunity. In another sense, social justice is the loss of monopoly and concentration of one aspect of life carried out by certain groups or groups.

Pillars of Civil Society Enforcement
The pillar of civil society enforcement is an institution that is part of social control that functions to criticize the authorities of discriminatory policies and fight for the aspirations of oppressed communities. Pillars include:

Non-governmental organization
NGOs are social institutions established by NGOs whose main task is to assist and promote the aspirations and interests of the oppressed people. NGOs in the context of empowering civil society in charge of the public hold significant matters in daily life, for example programs, training and socialization of community development.

The press is an institution that functions to criticize and be part of social control that can analyze and publish government policies relating to citizens. In addition, the press is also expected to present news objectively and transparently.

The rule of law
Every citizen, whether sitting in government or as someone must obey the rules or laws. So as to realize their rights and their freedom between citizens and between citizens and the government through peaceful means and in accordance with applicable law. The rule of law also provides guarantees and protections against all forms of oppression of individuals and groups that violate legal norms and all forms of oppression of human rights.

The College is where campus activists (lecturers and students), who are part of the social and civil society forces that move through morality to channel people's aspirations and criticize government policies. However, every movement made must be on the right track and position themselves in real and reality which is truly objective and voicing the interests of the community.
As part of the pillars of civil society enforcement, the College has the main task of finding and creating new ideas and constructive alternatives to be able to answer the problems faced by society.

political parties
Political parties are vehicles for citizens to channel their political aspirations. Political parties are the political expression of citizens so that political parties are a prerequisite for the formation of civil society.

Characteristics of Civil Society

Characteristics of Civil Society
There are several characteristics of civil society, including:
The integration of exclusive individuals and groups into society through social contracts and social alliances.
The spread of power so that the interests that dominate in society can be reduced by alternative forces.
Equipped with development programs that are dominated by the state with community-based development programs.
Bridging the interests of individuals and the state because the membership of voluntary organizations is able to provide input on government decisions.
The growth of creativity which was initially hampered by totalitarian regimes.
Widespread loyalty (trust) and trust (trust) so that individuals recognize their relationship with others and are not selfish.
The liberation of society through the activities of social institutions with a variety of perspectives.
God, which means that the community is a religious society, which recognizes the existence of God and puts God's law as the foundation that governs social life.
Peace, which means that each element of society, both individually and in groups respects the other party fairly.
Please help without interfering in the internal affairs of other individuals which can reduce their freedom.
Tolerant, means not interfering in the personal affairs of others that have been given by God as human freedom and not feel disturbed by the activities of other different parties.
Balance between rights and social obligations.
High civilization, meaning that the society has a love of science and utilizes the advancement of science for humanity.
Having good morals.

From these characteristics, it can be said that civil society is a democratic society in which its members are aware of their rights and obligations in voicing opinions and realizing their interests; where the government provides broad opportunities for the creativity of citizens to realize development programs in their regions.

The Characteristics of Civil Society
Referring to Bahmuller (1997), there are several characteristics of civil society, including:
Integration of exclusive individuals and groups into society through social contracts and social alliances.
The spread of power so that the interests that dominate in society can be reduced by alternative forces.
Bridging individual and state interests as membership organizations - voluntary organizations can provide input to government decisions.
Wide fidelity (loyalty) and trust (trust) so that individuals recognize their relationship with others and are not selfish (individualists).
The existence of community liberation through the activities of social institutions with different perspectives.

History of Civil Society
Various efforts were made in realizing civil society, both short-term and long-term. For the short-term, carried out by selecting and placing leaders who can be trusted (credible), acceptable (acceptable), and can lead (capable).
If you look for the roots of history, it can be seen that in ancient Greek society this problem was already raised. Rahardjo (1997) states that the term civil society has existed since before BC. The first person who coined the term civil society was Cicero (106-43 BC), as an ancient Greek orator.
Civil society according to Cicero is a civilized political community as exemplified by the city community which has its own legal code. With the concept of civil society (citizenship) and urbanity (city culture), the city is understood not only as concentrated as population, but also as a center of civilization and culture.
The term civil society aside from referring to the concept of civil society, is also based on the concept of the Medina city-state which was built by the Prophet Muhammad in 622 AD. Civil society also refers to the concept of tamadhun (civilized society) introduced by Ibn Khaldun, and the concept of Al Madinah al fadhilah (Madinah as the Main Country) which was revealed by the philosopher Al Farabi in the middle ages (Rahardjosep as quoted by Nurhadi, 1999).
According to Dr. Ahmad Hatta, researcher at the Islamic Boarding School and Islamic Studies Development Institute, Al Haramain, Medina Charter is an important document that proves how very advanced the society was built at the time, in addition to also providing confirmation of the clarity of the law and constitution of a community.
In fact, by driving the opinion of Hamidullah (First Written Constitutions in the World, Lahore, 1958), the Medina Charter is the first written constitution in human history. This constitution has astonishingly governed what people now fuss about civil rights, or better known as human rights, long before the American Declaration of Independence (American Declaration of Independence, 1997), French Revolution (1789 ), and the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) was echoed.

Commodity form and Ideological form of Subculture

Commodity form and Ideological form of Subculture
As a subculture, Dick Hebdige (1999: 192) sees punk today as facing two forms of change:
Commodity form
In this respect, the attributes and all accessories used by the punk subculture have been used by the industry as merchandise distributed to consumers for profit. Punk attributes and accessories that were only used by punk kids as identity symbols can now be easily obtained in street shops that sell punk accessories and are consumed by the public. As stated by Fox-Genovese in Malcolm Barnard (1996: 187) "The adoption of punk style by High Street fashion shops is a painful irony". Goods that initially functioned as identities for punk children, have now turned into commodity goods that are used by the market for profit.

Ideological form
In terms of ideology, punk is an ideology that includes social and political aspects. Their ideology was often associated with deviant behavior committed by punk kids. Various punk behaviors that are considered deviant, have been documented in the mass media so that the punk identity behind the accessories attached to his body is seen as a dangerous and delinquent.
Punk as a subculture has formed a new cultural structure that is different from the mainstream culture adopted by young people since the beginning of its emergence in England until its development until now. Values that are the substance of punk as a subculture are still believed by its members. Although punk has changed generations, but as a subculture the values and existence of punk are still maintained today.

Civil society (civil society) can be interpreted as a civilized society in building, living, and meaningful life. Civil society is a concept of having a face: it has many meanings or is often interpreted with different meanings.
Petrus the philosopher explains that civil society can be defined as a civilized society to develop, lead and mamaknai life. The word madani itself comes from English, which means madani or civilized (cultured).
The term civil society is a translation of civilized or civilized society, which means that civilized society. For the first time the term civil society was raised by Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's former deputy prime minister. The public will think, art, implementing the rule of law.
Civil society in principle has, namely systemic democratic society, ethics and morality, transparency, tolerance, potential, aspirational, motivated, participating, consistent comparison, able to coordinate, simple, synchronized, integral, recognizing, emancipating and rights, but that the the most dominant is a democratic society.
Civil society is a social institution that will protect citizens from the manifestation of excessive state power. Civil society and even the main pillars of democratic political life. Because civil society not only protects citizens in dealing with the state, but also to formulate and articulate people's aspirations.

According to the Chicago School of Childhood explore youth deviations as a series of collective behaviors that are managed in and through the values of subcultural classes. Young people's behavior that disturbs the public interest is understood not as an individual pathology, or as a result of an undifferentiated youth, but as a collective practical solution to a class problem that appears structurally. Cultural studies theorists agree that young people should not be understood as homoigenous groups so that class differences and their articulation with mainstream cultural values and dominant cultural values can be understood. Subcultures are seen as magical or symbolic solutions to class structural problems. The Chicago School identifies that subculture reactions are born not as individual reaction phenomena but as group reactions to class problems. Rejection occurred in the working class against the middle class. In this distribution model, the state of social and economic well-being is considered to be very unfair. The group that feels disadvantaged, because the condition of the structure of Cipataan plays a very important role in causing this condition, trying with the existing limitations still wants to be able to enjoy life by redefining culture or becoming a subculture to feel more comfortable.

Examples of Subcultures

Examples of Subcultures
Ken Gelder proposed six key ways in which subcultures could be identified, including:
By means of their negative (negative) relationships to be able to work (as ‘alert’, ‘parasitic’, play or recreation, etc.)
By means of their negative or ambivalent relationship to the class (because subcultures are not class-conscious and also do not fit the traditional class definition)
By way of their relationship with the territory (the 'street', 'hood', club, etc.), rather than property
Through a movement they leave the house and become a non-domestic form of belonging (ie a social group other than the family)
Through their overly and exaggerated style relationships (with a few exceptions)
Through a rejection they are about the basic things of ordinary life
Example: The religious minority can be considered a subculture. For example, Mormon might be considered a subculture. In this Mormon culture, there may be more subcultures (or also subcultures), such as people who continue to practice polygamy.
The subculture incorporates a large part of the broader culture, and they are a part; in the specifics maybe they are radically different.
Cultural appropriation is a process which often strives for business and utilizes the subversive appeal of the subculture looking for "cool," which remains valuable in the sale of any product.

Examples of Subcultures
Motorcycle gang
Willis argues that bitching like motorbikes, the noise of motorists always expressing the culture of values and identity of motorcycle gangs. The solidity, catchability, and strength of the motorcycle match the real and confident nature of the world of young people who are members of the motorcycle gang. Motorbikes affirm the commitment of their members by physical matters, toughness and strength so that the shock of motor acceleration is aggressiveness from people who do not know the fear of matching and symbolizing masculine power, the close friendship of language violence, and their style of social interaction.
According to Willis the subculture made a number of important criticisms and expressed a number of views on contemporary capitalism and its culture. The way the children of motorcycle riders tame the brutality of technology in order to attain human goals symbolically show us the giant technological terror of capitalism. He expressed alienation and the many losses suffered on a human scale. Creative, expressive, and symbolic subculture works can be read as a form of resistance.

Punk style
According to Hebdige, style is a signification practice which in the case of the rah-subculture becomes a fully engineered display. Through the significance of style differences it forms group identity. British punk is Hebdige's favorite example. He states that punk is not only a response to the crisis of British setback which is manifested in unemployment, poverty, and changing moral standards. Punk style is an expression of anger and frustration that is inherent in a language that generally exists but is now interpreted as a symptom of a collection of contemporary problems.
Punk style is basically a way of meaning separate, self-conscious and ironic. As bricolage which means noise and chaos at every level of punk style is arranged with meaning. Punk is a rebellious style that creates a combination of defiance with abnormal characters such as piercing, binlainers, dyed hair, scribbled clothes, and sexual iconografifetitism, stockings with holes and others. Through irregular dances, chaotic sounds of undirected lyrics, offensive language and anarchist scribbles. The punk movement views establishment as a social danger because it has the potential to limit freedom of thought, prevent people from seeing what is right in society, and instead force them to obey the will of power. Therefore, punk is truly an anti-establishment spirit. Punk movement is not just a matter of music and appearance, but a mindset (state of mind).

Identification of Subculture and Symbolism

Identification of Subculture and Symbolism
According to the Chicago School of Childhood explore youth deviations as a series of collective behaviors that are managed in and through the values of subcultural classes. Young people's behavior that disturbs the public interest is understood not as an individual pathology, or as a result of an undifferentiated youth, but as a collective practical solution to a class problem that appears structurally. Cultural studies theorists agree that young people should not be understood as homoigenous groups so that class differences and their articulation with mainstream cultural values and dominant cultural values can be understood. Subcultures are seen as magical or symbolic solutions to class structural problems.
The Chicago School identifies that subculture reactions are born not as individual reaction phenomena but as group reactions to class problems. Rejection occurred in the working class against the middle class. In this distribution model, the state of social and economic well-being is considered to be very unfair. The group that feels disadvantaged, because the condition of the structure of Cipataan plays a very important role in causing this condition, trying with the existing limitations still wants to be able to enjoy life by redefining culture or becoming a subculture to feel more comfortable.
Subculture raises an effort to overcome the problems that are experienced collectively that arise from the contradiction of various social structures. Seubkultur forms a form of collective identity where individual identity can be obtained outside the identity inherent in class, education and work. According to Brake there are five functions that can be played by subcultures for its members including:
Provide a solution to various socio-economic and structural problems.
Offering a form of collective identity that is different from school and work.
Gaining a space for alternative experiences and images of social reality.
Provides a variety of meaningful entertainment activities that conflict with school and work
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Subculture and Symbolism
The study of these subcultures often consists of studies of symbolism inherent in clothing, music, and also other visible temples of subculture members. Apart from that, sociologists also study the ways in which these symbols are interpreted by members of the dominant culture. Some of these subcultures have attained status so they can get names. Members of these subcultures often signal their membership through the use of distinctive and also symbolic styles, which include fashion, behavior, and dialect. For example subcultures may include bikers, military personnel, and Star Trek fans.

The movement of a hand that means 'live long and prosperous' has spread beyond the subculture of Star Trek fans and is also often recognized in the mainstream of culture.

Identification of subcultures
It might be difficult to be able to identify certain subcultures because their styles - especially clothing and also their music - can be adopted from mass culture for commercial purposes. Businesses often try to be able to exploit the subversive appeal of subcultures looking for "cool," which remains valuable in selling any product. Such cultural recognition processes may also often result in death or also the evolution of subcultures, as members adopt new styles that emerge will become difficult for the general public.